Register for Warringah Baseball
2022/23 Teams are nearly full
Contact Us if you have any queries about the current season.
Active Kids Voucher
If you wish to use the Active Kids Voucher ($100) then you need to have an active voucher before registering with Warringah Baseball Club. The $100 will be taken off during the online registration with Sportslomo. We can no longer process these manually.
Extra Information
Read through the Parents FAQs page and the Players’ Code of Conduct with your child.
If you wish to help out with the team as a scorer, manager, assistant coach or coach here are the Working With Children requirements. It's free to apply as a volunteer
Here are a few tips on buying equipment and uniforms. Your coach can help out before the season starts.
If you have any further questions or have had an issue with payment, please contact the registrar via our contact form.