New players receive these registration freebies – club hat, socks and drink bottle!
Players will need to purchase the following:
- Playing Jersey
- Playing Pants
- Red Belt
Addtional items can be purchased
- Playing Hat
- Fitted Hat
- Playing Socks
- Club Hoodie
- Club Shorts
All players will receive a complimentary training shirt
Uniforms can be purchased on Uniform Night in September or ordered at the canteen.
Mini-Ballers do not have to purchase uniforms. They will get a free playing top and drink bottle when they register.
What equipment does my child need?
Before you go out buying equipment for your child, please note that all teams have a team kit that has bats and some other equipment that you child can use. Your team coach will be best to ask as they can direct you in what is required. Generally, once you have bought your uniform as part of your registration then these are the other items that are useful.
- A glove (required)
- A pair of good grip runners (Mini-Ballers and T-Ball) or soccer boots or baseball boots (Zooka and above)
- A bat (the kit bags has official bats to try out and use)
- A big smile
What type of bat should I buy my child?
Aluminium alloy bat (not wood) for beginners as they have a bigger sweet spot and more durable, you do not need to buy an expensive bat and will probably be about $100 - $150 for a beginner (less for tball & zooka). Again your kit has a range so you can test the weights and length to help you with your bat choice when ready. There is NO rush.
If you are buying a bat please note:
1. You will need to buy a bat with "USA Baseball" logo on it (Seniors needs a BBCOR). All baseball shops will help you select and keep an eye out for highly discounted bats or eBay bats as they might not be legal. Please note this is not a WBC decision but a directive from Baseball Australia inline with the USA standards.
2. Intermediate and Junior Leagues can use BBCOR bats but in all reality they will be too heavy for that age group. So JUST look for the USA Baseball bats.
Legal bats come in 2 widths 2 ¼ inch and 2 5/8 inch (Various length). The thinner is best for a smaller frame, and thicker for a bigger build.
If you are looking for good start out bats then these bats from Red Stitches are good budget bats with good feedback
You do not need an expensive bat to have fun or a big hit. It’s more about technique than bat.
What type of glove should I buy my child?
For beginners, choose a general glove (not for any particular position) with the following general specs.
Age | Size |
Under 8 | 9-10" |
8 to 10 | 11" |
11 and Up | 12" to 13" |
Most importantly select a glove that fits, i.e. does it feel good on and is easy to close and not too stiff?
A beginner can start with a glove that is around $30 - $40 that is a mix of leather and non-leather elements that will last until they grow out of it and are ready to buy a higher level leather glove. Buy a good brand such as Rawlings, Easton, Mizuno or Louisville.
Older kids really need to talk to their coach or a specialist.
You may need to break in a glove after you buy it, although most of the entry level kids gloves will come pre-softened so you don't have to work them in.
Recommended stores for equipment
Rebel Sports - Limited range but good for beginners - located at Warringah Mall and Warriewood
Red Stitches - Online store and located physically at Thornleigh. They will help with all baseball needs within your budget.